Helpful Resources

Here are some links to resources that are recommended by Pastor Jed

Pastor Chuck Smith

The Word for Today
Pastor Chuck went to be with the Lord in 2013 but his teaching is still available and a great resource for Christians and Pastors alike. Available on the web and app.

Pastor Billy Crone

Get a Life Ministries
Billy Crone is the Pastor of Sunrise Bible Church in Henderson, NV and the go to resource for bible prophecy. His insights into cults and religions are really good too.

Pastor Brandon Holthaus

Rock Harbor Church
Pastor Brandon is a great resource for Bible Prophecy and Apostasy in the church. His outward method of exhortation is greatly needed in the church today.

Jan Markell

Olive Tree Ministries
Jan's radio show, Understanding the Times is broadcast on over 800 radio stations across America. Her guests and resources are extremely valuable.

Pastor Tom Hughes

Hope for our Times
Tom Hughes is the Pastor of 412 Church in San Jacinto, CA and has a great YouTube channel and also an app. He has many great guests and insightful teaching.

Pastor Andy Woods

Sugar Land Bible Church
Andy Woods is the Pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church in Texas. He is very in depth in his biblical exposition and has a weekly prophecy show on YouTube. and his YouTube Channel

Amir Tsarfati

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati is the go to guy for all things to do with Israel and how she relates to Bible Prophecy. He has lots of teaching available along with news and blogs.

Don Perkins

According to Prophecy
Don has become a friend of this ministry. His knowledge of the scriptures and Bible prophecy is very profitable for the church today. He will always leave you blessed!

Lee Brainard

Lee has been studying Biblical languages and prophecy for over four decades. He has done great research on the pre-trib belief  of the early church fathers and is another excellent resource!

Patrick Wood

Citizens for Free Speech
Patrick is also the founder of Technocracy News and is an expert on the Trilateral Commission and the other Technocrats trying to take over our world.

Dr. J.B. Hixson

Not by Works
J.B. is the founder of Not by Works ministries and the Pastor of Plum Creek Chapel in Sedalia, Colorado. If want to know the detail of the Luciferian Conspiracy that is happening he has got it.

Pete Garcia

Pete is another person to look to for info on Bible Prophecy. He is a frequent conference speaker and blog writer. His website is filled with many wonderful resources.

Jeff Childers

Coffee and Covid
I regret not finding him earlier. Jeff Childers is a Lawyer on the frontlines of Medical Freedom. He has a daily email/blog where he gives wise commentary on the daily news. You don't need the paid subscription to get the email blog daily in your inbox.

Prophecy Update Newsletter

Excellent Resource!
Have you wondered where Pastor Brandon gets the video he shares before his Sunday message? This site offers great links and information and a daily email that gives you awesome articles and links to news stories.

Mike Lindell

Frank Speech
He is much more than the Pillow Guy! After the 2020 election and being canceled from all sides Mike did not back down. Using his own resources he has built an online news service that can not be matched!

Alex Newman

Liberty Sentinel
Alex is one of the only true journalists we can trust. He at all the evil luciferian meetings and brings us back reports from a Biblical perspective. He has a heart for free speech and the future of our nation.

Ken Ham

Answers in Genesis
This is the best creation science resource out there. Ken Ham has been on the front lines of Creation Apologetics for many years. We at Calvary Solid Ground use their materials for our Sunday School curriculum. They also have a Creation Museum and a life size Noah's Ark.


Free Christian TV on the Web
His Channel has been around for many years and has a great selection of Solid Bible teaching. There are also daily and weekly Prophecy and News shows and many movies and documentaries you can watch. Big Tech has tried everything to cancel them but they have built their own global network.

John Haller

Fellowship Bible Chapel
John Haller is our favorite prophecy guy that is not a Pre-Trib believer. Even though we don't prescribe to his form of eschatology, he has the most detailed updates around. He is a retired Lawyer and  uses his skills in researching to keep us informed on all the issues. I use his YouTube channel.
FBC YouTube Channel

Prophecy News Watch

News Update
Here is another link to add to your list. They have some very well done articles related to Bible Prophecy. You can sign up for their email list and get stories sent right to you.